Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange

My gosh! Look at all these links. We've been trying to get you as many links as possible for Ranma pages on the web, if your link is not here and you want it to be, then send your URL, Title, and that jargin to Ki. We'll get it up as soon as possible. Have fun seeing everything Ranma 1/2 has to offer.

Character Pages
Ranma Saotome
  • The Ranma and Akane Shrine
  • Ranma's Own Personal Shrine
  • Ranma ½ P-Chan Plus Page
    Genma Saotome
  • Plungerhead's Really Crappy Genma Saotome Shrine
  • Tammy's Genma Panda Page
    Akane Tendo
  • A Tribute to Akane Tendo
  • HammerSpace: The dimension of mallets and kettles
  • Queen Akane
  • Tendou Akane Shrine
    Nabiki Tendo
  • The Church of Nabiki Homepage
  • Migs' Nabiki Worship Page!
  • Nabiki's Castle
    Kasumi Tendo
  • Shrine of Kasumi
  • Tendo Kasumi School of Philosophy
  • Aevan's Shampoo Shrine
  • Migs' Shampoo Worship Page
  • NekoHanten
  • The Real Shampoo Shrine
  • Shampoo's Homepage
  • The Shampoo Shrine
  • Shampoo Support Site
  • The Shrine of Shampoo
  • An Interview with Mousse
  • Mousse's Bird Santuary
  • Shrine of Mousse
    Ryoga Hibiki
  • Aa! Ryouga-sama
  • Castle Hibiki
  • Eternal Lost Boy's Homepage
  • Kyo-Chan's Ryouga Shrine!
  • P-Chan Palace
  • The Ryouga and Ukyou Pages
  • Ryouga Hibiki Page
  • Ryouga's Lost Pages
    Ukyou Kuonji
  • The Church of the One True Ucchan
  • Migs' Ukyou Worship Page
  • The Spatula Web Site: Your ONE-STOP for Ukyou Kuonji!!
  • Ucchan's Cute Shrine
  • Ukyou Kuonji Shrine
    Tatewaki Kuno
  • KFC (Kuno's Fan Club)
    Kodachi Kuno
  • Shrine to Kodachi the Black Rose
    Dr. Tofu
  • Dr. Tofuu's Place
  • Pia's Doc Tofu Shrine! The Golden Pair
  • Asuza's Lil' Shrine
  • The source of all ego...
    Akari Unryuu
  • The Akari Page
    Tsubasa Kurenai
  • The Church to the Almighty Tsubasa
    Hikaru Gosunkugi
  • Gosunkugi Homepage
    Pantyhose Tarou
  • Niuhoomanmaorenniichuan: A Shrine to Pantyhose Taro
  • The Pantyhose Tarou Shrine
  • The Shrine of Pantyhose Tarou
  • A Shrine to Konatsu
    Miss Hinako
  • Shrine to Miss Hinako Ninomiya
    Hiroshi and Daisuke
  • The Temple of Hiroshi and Daisuke
  • The Doco Shrine Page
  • Complete Mount Phoenix Page
  • Herb, Lime and Mint Page
  • Andrew Huang's Fanfic Pages
  • Annual Best of Ranma Fanfic Awards
  • The Best of Ranma Fanfiction
  • Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Ranma
  • Daigakusei no Ranma/Daigakusei no Ukyou
  • The Eternal Lost Lurker's Anime Fanfiction Page
  • G.L. Sandborn's Ranma ½ Fanfiction Page
  • The Great Page of Ranko Fics
  • J.Austin Wilde's Fanfic Page
  • Joseph Palmer's Ranma ½ Fanfictions
  • Kendai's Ranma ½ Fanfiction Site
  • Lines of Destiny
  • Nightelf's Elysium
  • Ranma Dimention X Fanfictions
  • Ranma 2096 Homepage
  • Ranma ½ Fanfic Guide
  • Ranma ½ Fanfiction: A Lesson in Love
  • Ranma ½ - Hearts of Ice
  • Ranma ½ Fanfiction Reviews
  • Ranma Rec.Arts.Anime.Creative Mirror
  • The Ranma ½ RPG Page
  • Ranma ½ Shoyosei Showdown
  • Ranma ½: Sins of the Father
  • The Readers' Choice Ranma ½ Fanfic Awards
  • Sailor Moon - Ranma ½ Crossover: Jyusenkyo Senshi
  • Sean Kauffman's Ranma ½ Fanfic Page
  • Sterman's Fanfics
  • Taleswapper's Tribute to the Best Ranma ½ Fan Fiction
  • Tzigane's Fanfic Emporium
    Information Pages
  • 100% Ranma!
  • All About Ranma ½
  • Anime Kingdom's Ranma Page
  • P-chan and Other Characters of Ranma ½
  • Ranma ½!
  • The Ranma ½ Connection!!!
  • The Ranma ½ FAQ
  • Ranma ½ Homepage in Spanish
  • Ranma ½ Info Site
  • Ranma ½ In Italia
  • Ranma ½ Library
  • Ranma Manga Translations
  • Ranma People & Places List
  • The Ranma ½ Project
  • Ranma ½ Universe
  • Ranma ½ X-TRA Homepage
  • Ranma World
  • Rei's Ranma Manga Summaries
  • The Tendo Household
  • The Tendou Training Hall
  • The Ultimate Ranma ½ Homepage
  • Jusenkyou North
  • The Ranma-chan links homepage
  • Ranma ½ Links Around the World
  • Ranma ½ Links Around the World (Mirror)
  • Ranma ½ Links Around the World
  • Ryoga's Map: Ranma ½ Links
    Personal Pages
  • AkaneZinj's Homepage
  • Al's Ranma ½ Page
  • Andrew's Ranma Pages
  • Another Ranma ½ Page
  • Antivirus' Ranma ½ Page
  • Anything Goes Ranma ½ Page
  • Blackbird's Ranma ½ Page
  • The Casual Otaku: Ranma ½
  • Charly Carlos' Ranma ½ Page
  • Drew's Look at Ranma ½
  • Dru™'s Anime Page
  • The Ever Changing Ranma Page
  • EWink's Ranma ½ Section
  • Frank Lai's Ranma ½ Page
  • Furinkan High School
  • Gene's Ranma ½ Archive
  • GrrlRanma's Place
  • Happosai's House
  • The iConn Ranma Fan Page
  • Italian Ranma Site
  • Jen & Melissa's Ranma ½ Page
  • Jhusenkyou Central
  • jllee's Ranma ½ Anime Page Singapore
  • John's Ranma ½ Homepage
  • Jusenkyo
  • Jusenkyo Guide
  • Keith's Anything-Goes Ranma ½ Page
  • Laura's Ranma ½ Page
  • Naihuna's Ranma ½ Page
  • The Onnama Saotome Hibiki Homepage
  • Ookii's ranma 1/2 page
  • Phoenix Lair's Ranma ½ Page
  • Plungerhead's Really Crappy n' Pitiful Ranma ½ Page
  • Ranko's World of Anime
  • Ranma ½
  • Ranma ½
  • The Ranma Age
  • Ranma and Ucchan Page of Stuff
  • Ranma ½: A Silly Soap Opera
  • Ranma ½ Fan's Page
  • Ranma Central
  • The Ranma ½ Domain!
  • Ranma ½ Homepage
  • Ranma ½ Homepage
  • Ranma ½:The Italian Biggest Page
  • Ranma ½: The Jumbled Pages
  • Ranma ½ Kicks Ass!
  • Ranma ½
  • Ranma+ Homepage
  • Ranma_k's Homepage
  • Ranmania
  • Ranma ½ Nibun no Ichi
  • Ranma ½ Philippines
  • Ranma's World
  • Ranma's World
  • The Realm of Ranma
  • Resort Ranma
  • Ruben Cassar's Ranma ½ Section
  • SciFiANIME's Ranma ½ Page
  • Shampoo & Ryouga
  • Shizumaru's Ranma ½ Page
  • Stephen's Ranma ½ Images and Links
  • Steve's Ranma ½ and other anime page
  • TechCore's Ranma ½ Page
  • Ted's Ranma ½ Page
  • Ucchan's Ranma ½ Page!
  • Weapon X's Ranma ½ Page
  • Wthrwyz's Ranma ½ Page
  • Zach's Ranma Page
  • The Akane Image Shrine
  • Akane Tendo Picture Gallery
  • Akari's Immage Shrine
  • Albatross Ranma ½ Image Gallery
  • Archie's Ranma Image Gallery
  • Battle Angel's Ranma ½ Image Gallery
  • Bianaca's Ranma ½ Gallery
  • Dark Lady's Ranma ½ Image Page
  • Image Gallery of Ranma
  • John's Ranma Picture Archive
  • Mega Gallery of Original Ranma Scans
  • The Ranma ½ Gallery
  • Ranma ½ Screencaps Page
  • The Ranma ½ Screen Capture Gallery
  • The Ranma ½ Screen Most Embarassing Moments
  • Ranma-chan Image Shrine
  • The Shampoo Image Shrine
  • Ukyou Image Shrine
  • The Ultimate Ranma ½ Picture Archive
  • Wanger's Ranma ½ Gallery
  • Zoulkyud's Ranma ½ Image Gallery
  • The Anything-Goes Martial Arts Webring
  • Arden's #ranma! Pit
  • Charlotte Cup Debate Page
  • DALnet's #Nabiki^sRPG Homepage0
  • Draxs' #Ranma Page
  • Kasumi's Oriental Cookbook
  • Marcoon's #Ranma! Pit
  • Nabiki's RPG Ring
  • Nelson's Ranma ½ Page & Chat
  • Petition: US Ranma ½ TV LD Box
  • Ranma and Dragonball Combopage
  • Ranma ½ - Converging Series
  • Ranma Couples Mix & Match Page
  • Ranma ½ Hard Battle
  • The #Ranma½ Homepage
  • The #Ranma! IRC Homepage
  • Ranma ½ Minor Character Ring
  • Ranma ½ ML Web Ring
  • Ranma Nibunnoichi Ring Of Jusenkyo
  • The Ranma ½ RPG Page
  • Ranma S' Dojo Chat
  • Ranma ½ Song Lyrics Homepage
  • Ranma Win95 Theme
  • The Ranma ½ Aqua Ring
  • Would You buy a Ranma ½ survey?
    Multimedia Pages
  • Ranma Quicktime Archive
  • Steve's Ranma ½ Multimedia Page
  • Wanger's Ranma ½ Movie Archive
  • Wanger's Ranma ½ Music Archive

    The World if maintained by Mousse and Ki. Last updated 2/08/98. Designed for 600x400 resolution. Ranma 1/2 is a trademark of viz communications and everything is property of their respective owners.